Friday, January 29, 2010

Another tip for solving problems - work slowly. I found that when trying to translate a sentence into symbolic logic to determine its truth value, I would often get ahead of myself and screw up. I've spent ridiculous amounts of time trying to work out simple errors, like the fallacy of affirming the consequent. If I became very frustrated, I would write out every step of the problem in greater detail than was probably necessary. Slow it down and take it real easy.


  1. You could combine the tips: get enough sleep, and take your time. There are some indications that your subconscious mind does some of the hard work while you are asleep.

  2. Sleep is so difficult to get these days... It's definitely no longer like high school :[..

    I find I can solve problems more easily if I give myself a relatively large time gap, so I definitely agree with taking your time.

